The Board of Trustees shall uphold the principle of equal opportunity. Every child enrolled in the school, regardless of sex, race, creed, color, national origin, academic ability, cultural or economic background, shall be given maximum opportunity for educational development. The school shall provide an educational environment that stimulates and encourages each child's intellectual curiosity and enterprise, fostering in each child a sense of self-worth and responsibility for their own work and progress.
The school will treat all students equally, providing them with access to courses of study, career guidance, preparation and qualifying examinations for further study, athletics, and extracurricular activities. Staff development opportunities will support this approach to gender issues and expectations.
The Board of Trustees believes that students have rights that should be recognized and respected. The Board also believes that every right carries certain responsibilities, and expects that students should be mature enough to assume them. Among these rights and responsibilities are the following:
The right to a quality education and the responsibility to put forth a sincere effort to learn.
The right to equal educational opportunity and freedom from discrimination, and the responsibility not to discriminate against others.
The right to a safe and orderly school environment and the responsibility to observe school rules essential for allowing others to learn.
The right to procedural due process in cases of suspension, expulsion, and other disciplinary matters, and the responsibility to be fair and honest in exercising this right.
The right to privacy of school records and the responsibility to be worthy of the trust and confidence of teachers, administrators, and parents.
It is the Board's belief that students should be made aware of their rights and responsibilities as part of the educational process. To ensure that students know the standards of behavior expected of them, the school's handbooks will be made available to students and their parents at least annually.
Minimum Entrance Age
Students enrolling in Educon International School should normally be at least 3 years of age at Nursery. The age criteria for admission are as follows:
Nursery - 3 years by June 30 of the year of admission
Junior KG - 4 years by May 31 of the year of admission
Senior KG - 5 years by May 31 of the year of admission
1st Standard - 6 years by May 31 of the year of admission
and 2nd onward, only on the basis of School Leaving Certificate of the previous school.
The admission process at Educon International School is as follows:
Admissions are given subject to fulfillment of Admission Criteria and availability of seats, without any reference to caste, creed, class, gender, or political inclination.
Admission to Educon International School is a privilege and not a right. The right of admission is reserved with the school management, and the school management can accept or reject any admission without assigning any reason.
Read the accompanying brochure and other details carefully.
Affix and attach the necessary documents as given below with the Application for Admission form.
Admission Process - There are three stages of the admission process:
Obtaining & submitting the duly completed Application for Admission form, Health form along with photocopies of relevant documents.
Assessment of the Admission Form by the Administrative Officer.
Random Selection Process through Draw of lots subject to availability.
Paying the fees as stipulated and submitting the required documents in original.
Random Selection Process: Draw of lots will be drawn amongst shortlisted eligible applications for Admission to Nursery, Junior Kindergarten, and Senior Kindergarten.
Admissions to higher classes are subject to the availability of seats and as per the merit of the student.
Submission of the Application for Admission Form does not ensure Admission to the School.
Admission decision will be conveyed to the Parents/Guardians.
Parents, on being informed about the school's admission decision, will have to pay the fees as stipulated within the specific period.
Payment must be made by cash/Demand draft/Cheque. In case of payment by DD/Cheque, it should be drawn in favor of 'Educon' for Pre-Primary Section (Nursery, Jr. KG, and Sr. KG.) and Educon International School for Std. I onwards payable at Pune.
Required Documents for Admission:
Original/Notarized Birth Certificate of the students as issued by the Statutory Authorities, Nursery, Junior, Senior Kindergarten & Std. I.
Original School Leaving certificate/Transfer certificate from the recognized School for Admission to Std. 2 onwards.
Photocopy of the Progress/Report Card of the previous Schooling year.
Four Passport size color photographs of the child.
Health Information Form (on the accompanying form) given by the School.
Passport copy.
Kindly provide complete communication details such as residence and Office phone numbers, Cell phone numbers, etc. Also, provide two alternate phone numbers/cell phone numbers of two of your friends/relatives. Please remember that these communication details are important in order to establish contact with you in case of an emergency. This information is kept confidential.
Admission to Educon International School/Educon will be confirmed only after:
Paying the stipulated fees, as mentioned within the specified time period.
Completion of required documents as listed in the documents section. In case the Transfer Certificate cannot be produced at the time of admission, it should be submitted no later than before the Academic year of the School starts.
In case any relevant information has been deliberately withheld, the School will review the admission of the student.
Parents/Guardians will have to sign the Declaration on the Application for the Admission form, confirming their financial commitments to the school and their adherence to the rules and regulations of the school in force from time to time. It is also stated that the school will not be liable for any damages or charges on account of injuries sustained by the child during his/her stay at the School.
Fees once paid are non-transferable/non-adjustable/non-refundable under any circumstances.
Students are expected to attend classes regularly and be on time for class activities. Parents are urged to cooperate with the school in keeping absences and tardiness to an absolute minimum. Excessive student absences could lower performance achievement and performance grades.
Students should conduct themselves at all times in a manner that brings credit upon themselves and the school. The administration's regulations regarding student conduct will be communicated to all students. In general, common-sense standards of respect, honesty, courtesy, and behavior apply. Ignorance of a specific school rule is not an excuse for inappropriate behavior.
The school expects all students to adhere to the Uniform Code. Each year, parents and students will be provided with detailed information about the school uniform. The Board instructs the Principal to establish specific regulations for implementing the school uniform policy. These regulations will enable the faculty and administration to enforce the uniform code consistently and firmly. The Board acknowledges that there may be some students who repeatedly challenge the policy's intent. Such students should be aware that the Board is prepared to act upon any recommendation from the Principal for termination of enrollment. School is considered a student's place of business. Therefore, on designated "dress up" or "dress down" days, students are expected to dress tastefully and maintain proper grooming. It is also important to respect the customs and traditions of India. Clothing worn to school should be comfortable, modest, and should not disrupt the learning process.
The Board of Trustees recognizes the well-established risks associated with student alcohol and drug use, including developmental, physical, emotional, and educational risks. Penalties for alcohol and drug use will be severe. It is crucial for the Board to support policies and procedures that send a clear and unequivocal message to both students and parents: alcohol and drug use will not be tolerated. This message must be effectively communicated to the entire school community. Furthermore, the Board instructs the Principal to establish and maintain a comprehensive school-wide instructional program that provides relevant information about the health and legal consequences of alcohol and drug use in any setting.
No student shall possess, use, transmit, attempt to possess or use, or be under the influence of any of the following substances on or off school premises during a school-sponsored or school-related activity, function, or event:
Any controlled substance or dangerous drug as defined by local law, including but not limited to marijuana, narcotic drugs, hallucinogens, stimulants, depressants, amphetamines, or barbiturates. B. Any pharmaceutical without the knowledge and permission of parents. C. Any abusive glue, aerosol, or any other chemical substance for inhalation. D. Any intoxicant, mood-changing, mind-altering, or behavior-altering drugs. E. Any alcohol or alcoholic beverage.
Possession, use, transmission, or sale of paraphernalia related to these prohibited substances is also strictly prohibited under this policy. The possession, transmission, sale, or attempted sale of substances represented to be any of the above-listed substances is also prohibited. "Use" is defined as the voluntary introduction of a prohibited substance into the student's body, by any means, to a degree that it is detectable through the student's physical appearance, actions, breath, speech, or chemical analysis.
"Under the influence" is defined as lacking normal use of mental or physical faculties due to drug use, even if the student is not legally intoxicated under the law.
Students who violate this policy will be immediately suspended from classes while due process is initiated for potential termination of the student's enrollment.
The policy emphasizes the school's zero tolerance stance. The Board directs the Principal to ensure active and consistent enforcement of this policy.
Carrying Weapons to School
The use, possession, sale, or distribution of fireworks, ammunition, or any kind of weapons, including pocket knives and replicas such as toy guns, or the use of sticks, stones, and rocks as weapons, is strictly prohibited on school premises, school grounds, during school trips, at any school-sponsored activities, or while representing the school. Students who violate this policy may face suspension from school. It is important to note that even a first offense may result in expulsion.
Interrogations, Searches, and Seizures
In the event that a student engages in criminal or disorderly misconduct, the school reserves the right to take appropriate disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion of the student.
If there is suspicion that a student has committed a criminal or disorderly act, the administration has the authority to conduct searches of the student's belongings and clothing. Any items found that are connected to such criminal or disorderly misconduct may be confiscated and kept in safekeeping.
Student Complaints and Grievances
As part of the school's educational mission, it is important to instill democratic principles that allow all students to have a fair and orderly process for expressing their concerns. The Board fully supports this mission and strongly encourages students to utilize the available communication channels, such as their elected representatives, classroom teachers, counselors, supervisors, or the principal, to seek answers to their questions and resolve individual or group conflicts.
In the case of a grievance, any student or group of students has the right to request a meeting with the supervisors for discussion and consideration. During these meetings, the student may choose to have one faculty member present. If the student is unsatisfied with the outcome of the meeting with the supervisors, they may further appeal to the principal, whose decision will be final.
Student Discipline
The Board recognizes the importance of open communication between teachers, administrators, and parents when addressing serious breaches of student behavior. The Board acknowledges the partnership between parents and the school in providing support to modify negative student behavior. Authorized professional faculty members have the responsibility to discipline students as necessary. This may involve guidance through counseling, temporary removal from the classroom, or assigning manual work tasks such as classroom, lunchroom, or campus cleanup. In cases of ongoing or severe disciplinary issues, the matter will be referred to the Principal.
The Principal is empowered to take disciplinary action, which may include counseling, contacting the student's parents, restricting the student's participation in after-school activities, temporary removal from a specific class, engaging the student in a beneficial service activity for the school, suspending the student from school for a designated number of days, or in extreme cases or repeated incidents of misconduct, recommending the expulsion of the student from the school.
It is important to note that under no circumstances shall corporal punishment be used as a disciplinary measure.
Educon International School is committed to maintaining a safe and inclusive environment where bullying is not tolerated. Every individual has the right to feel secure and free from any form of bullying or harassment. Regardless of their background, including creed, ethnicity, race, nationality, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion or belief, disability, physical appearance, or academic performance, all students have the right to feel safe and protected at school.
Students should feel comfortable reporting incidents to staff members without fear of retaliation. The anti-bullying policy will be implemented proactively, fairly, and consistently for all students.
Defining Bullying • Bullying involves repeated acts of aggression, whether verbal, psychological, or physical, by an individual or group towards others over a sustained period. • Bullying is an abuse of power. • Bullying aims to break down a person.
Bullying can manifest in various forms of antisocial behavior, including but not limited to:
Physical: Physical bullying includes actions like punching, kicking, hitting, or spitting at a child. It may also involve inappropriate touching.
Verbal: Verbal abuse encompasses name-calling, spreading rumors, or making unfriendly comments about an individual to others. It may target factors such as creed, ethnicity, race, nationality, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion or belief, physical/social/mental disability, personality, family, physical appearance, or academic performance.
Exclusion: Bullying can occur through excluding a child from discussions or activities with peers they consider their friends.
Property Damage or Theft: Bullying may involve damaging or stealing a pupil's belongings, sometimes using physical threats to coerce the victim into handing over their property.
Intentional Psychological Pressure: This includes social exclusion, menacing looks, gestures, lying, slander, spreading rumors, name-calling, manipulating friendship groups, or engaging in any activity intended to intimidate, harm, or exclude an individual.
What Bullying Is Not Bullying does not refer to isolated incidents of aggression between children. Disputes and conflicts will inevitably arise, and they will be addressed accordingly. While these incidents can be unpleasant, they should not be classified as bullying.
Educon International School encourages a culture of reporting. Anyone who becomes aware of bullying is expected to inform a staff member. Bullying in any form will not be tolerated at Educon International School.
The Educon International School Anti-Bullying Procedures and Guidelines, available at the Principal's Office, hold the same weight and significance as the policy itself.
Student Suspension and/or Expulsion
The administration will make every effort to address student disciplinary issues through counseling or in-school disciplinary measures. However, students who exhibit persistent disruptive behavior will not be allowed to continue their enrollment at the school. The Board supports the following actions, to be implemented by the administration when necessary:
Student Suspension: "Suspension" refers to the temporary removal of a student from classes and/or the school, for a period not exceeding five days per occurrence. If the incident requires further investigation, the suspension period may be extended.
Grounds for suspension include stealing, cheating, lying, showing disrespect towards students or school staff, smoking on school grounds, abusing or damaging school property, engaging in fights, unauthorized possession of weapons, or any behavior deemed improper or offensive.
Before a decision is made to suspend a student, the Board expects the Principal to communicate with the parents, discussing the circumstances and reasons for the serious disciplinary action. A follow-up letter must be sent to notify the parents of the decision, the underlying reasons, and the steps that must be taken before the student can return to classes.
Recommendation for Expulsion: "Expulsion" refers to the permanent removal of a student from the school. If a student's behavior does not improve after one or more suspensions, or if the initial offense is deemed sufficiently serious, the student may be expelled from the school.
Grounds for expulsion include, but are not limited to, repeated offenses listed under Suspension, possession, use, or distribution of alcoholic beverages or unauthorized drugs, physical violence, and carrying knives, firearms, or other weapons.
The family must receive written notification of the expulsion recommendation. They should also be informed of their right to appeal to the Board of Trustees, along with the specified timeframe for doing so.
The final decision regarding student expulsion rests with the Board of Trustees.
Student Supervision and Dismissal Precautions
The school has a responsibility to ensure the safety and proper supervision of students during regular school hours on the premises or during school-sponsored activities. When a student needs to leave the school for any reason, it is crucial to take precautions to ensure they are dismissed only to authorized individuals. The following guidelines are in line with this policy:
Early Release: A student will only be allowed to leave school early based on a verified telephone call or a written note from the responsible parent or guardian.
Contact with Unauthorized Persons: No unauthorized individuals will be permitted to contact a student while they are under the supervision of the school, unless it is deemed absolutely necessary by the Principal.
Release to Unknown Persons: A student will not be released to individuals unknown to the school, meaning individuals who are not listed on the school records as parents or guardians, without specific written permission. All student activities organized by the school or held on the premises will have a clearly defined start and end time, which will be communicated to parents and participants.
While these precautions may sometimes appear overly formal and potentially inconvenient for parents or guardians, it is important to remember that the safety and security of the students are of utmost importance.
Accidents and Illness
In the event of a sudden illness or accident, prompt and appropriate action will be taken to ensure that the child receives immediate medical care, including first aid. Every effort will be made to contact the parents or guardians. If the parents cannot be reached, the Principal or another designated staff member will assume the necessary responsibilities, including arranging transportation to local medical facilities.
Student Driving
As per the laws in India, driving is prohibited for individuals under the age of 18. Therefore, regardless of a student's age or possession of a valid driver's license from India or another country, the Board strictly prohibits student driving to and from school classes, as well as to and from after-school activities and events held or organized by the school.
Cell Phone Usage
Students are prohibited from carrying mobile/cell phones to school.
In exceptional cases where a student wishes to carry a cell phone during the normal school day, they must provide a note from their parent/guardian to the Principal explaining the reasons for carrying the cell phone and granting permission to do so.
In such cases, the student must refrain from using the cell phone during school hours and keep it switched off at all times. The cell phone should be kept at the Administrative Officer's office for safekeeping.
If necessary, students may use the phone available in the front office, taking responsibility for the safekeeping of their own cell phones brought onto the campus.
The Principal will take disciplinary action against any violations of this policy.
Student Use of Personal Items
Personal non-essential belongings are strictly prohibited at school unless permission is granted by the teacher and approved by the Principal. Personal non-essential items include, but are not limited to, toys, video games, radios, tape/CD players, MP3 players, CDs, cameras, collections, sports equipment, jewelry, smart watches/trackers or any items that may disrupt the educational environment.
Students are prohibited from bringing any items to school that are not necessary for classroom instruction and the educational process.
Students are strongly advised not to bring large sums of money to school.
Educon International School cannot assume any responsibility for the safekeeping of money or personal non-essential items brought onto the campus.
Student Organizations and Clubs
Student organizations and clubs play a crucial role in fostering leadership and nurturing students' interests. The Board of Trustees fully supports this concept and recognizes the value it brings to the school community. However, to ensure the proper functioning and alignment with the school's objectives, the following guidelines apply:
Student councils may be established under the supervision of the Principal or an assigned designee. These councils should promote leadership and serve as a platform for student participation.
Only school-approved clubs with authorized sponsors appointed by the Principal will be permitted. These clubs should align with the school's mission and values. Unauthorized "secret societies" are strictly prohibited.
It is important to note that students who engage in unauthorized organizations or clubs jeopardize their enrollment at the school.
The school encourages students to explore and engage in the various approved clubs and organizations to enhance their personal growth and contribute positively to the school community.
Student Activity Funds and Fundraising
The Principal and Administrative Officer (AO) are responsible for monitoring student funds, including their sources, accounting, expenditures, and provisions for safekeeping. Each student organization will have a designated faculty sponsor who will either maintain the accounts of student funds or supervise the organization's accounts.
Approval from the Principal is required for student organizations to establish funds. The administration will conduct informal annual audits of student organization accounts, and any unused funds will be carried over from year to year. In the event of an organization disbanding, the allocation of remaining funds will be determined based on the membership at that time.
It is important to note that student funds should not be used exclusively for activities benefiting select members of the organization. Instead, the funds should be utilized for the collective or equal benefit of the organization or its members.
By following these guidelines, the school ensures proper oversight of student funds, promotes responsible financial management, and fosters fair distribution of resources among student organizations.
Performances and Exhibitions
In order to showcase the talents and achievements of teachers and students, performances and exhibitions may be organized with the prior approval of the principal. To ensure that these events are conducted smoothly, the following guidelines should be adhered to:
Performances and exhibitions should align with the instructional program and should not contain any content that may be considered offensive to the Indian government or Indian culture.
Attendance at designated performances may require the payment of appropriate fees, as approved by the principal. These fees can help cover costs or raise funds for student activities.
Students who wish to participate in any performance or exhibition must obtain prior authorization from the Principal. They will only be released from classes upon receiving this authorization.
Whenever possible, performances, rehearsals, and exhibitions should be scheduled at times that do not disrupt normal student transportation.
By following these guidelines, the school ensures that performances and exhibitions are educational, culturally appropriate, and well-organized. These events provide valuable opportunities for students to showcase their talents and engage with the broader community.
Student Gifts and Solicitations
Any student, class of students, or student organization may offer a gift of an item or money for a specific or general purpose to the school or finance a project that aligns with the school's functions. If a student, class, or student organization intends to make a gift to the school, they must notify the principal of their intent. The principal has the authority to accept or reject such gifts based on their appropriateness. Accepted gifts will be acknowledged by the principal, and the Board of Directors will be notified upon receipt of a student gift.
To maintain professionalism and fairness, routine presentation of gifts to school employees by students and parents is discouraged. However, if a student wishes to present a gift to a staff member, it should be simple and not elaborate or expensive. Small tokens of affection or gratitude will not be considered violations of this policy.
By following these guidelines, the school ensures transparency in handling student gifts and encourages thoughtful expressions of support while aligning with the school's values and objectives.
Student Welfare and Safety
All personnel of the school are expected to prioritize student welfare and safety by fostering awareness of safety measures, emergency procedures, and responsible individual behavior to ensure the effectiveness of these protocols.
In any emergency situation, student safety is of utmost importance. The principal is authorized to take appropriate emergency actions based on their judgment. These actions may include school cancellation, early dismissal, keeping students and staff on school premises beyond regular hours, or evacuating the school population to a different location.
The principal, keeping student safety as the primary concern, will establish and maintain regulations and procedures to anticipate and address potential disturbances. In developing emergency action plans, the principal will consider the advice of civil authorities. The final decision regarding emergency actions and the nature of those actions rests with the principal.
To safeguard student welfare and safety, the principal will coordinate the development and periodic review of a disaster management plan, which includes regular fire drills conducted at the school.
By adhering to these measures, the school aims to ensure the well-being and safety of its students, staff, and personnel in emergency situations.
School Use of Staff and Student Photographs
From time to time, Educon International School uses photographs or video footage of its students and staff in informative and promotional materials, communications, and publications. These photographs may be shared with the local media, published on the Educon International School website, or used in promotional materials and publications.
Occasionally, the local media or a professional company may be present at the school to document school events through photography or videography. Media representatives are not allowed to interview students on school property unless accompanied by Educon International School personnel. It is assumed that permission to photograph or record a student or staff member, individually or as part of a group, is granted unless Educon International School is notified in writing to the contrary.
If a staff member or parent prefers that they or their child not be featured in any photographs or videos for media use, informative and promotional materials, communications, or publications, written notice must be provided to the school administration. This information will be kept on file only until the end of the current school year.
Parents and relatives should be aware that any photographs or videos taken at school events may include images of other children whose parents may not have given permission for them to be photographed or filmed. Such images should not be shared beyond the family and should be used only for the family's personal use.