The fact that knowledge is constructed by the child implies that curriculum, syllabus and textbooks should enable the teacher in organizing classroom experiences in consonance with the child's nature and environment, and thus providing opportunities for all children, Teaching at Educon International School is aimed at enhancing children's natural desire and strategies to learn. Knowledge is distinguished from information, and teaching is seen as a professional activity, not as coaching for memorization or as transmission of facts. Activity is the heart of the child's attempt to make sense of the world around him/her. Therefore, every resource is deployed to enable children to express themselves, handle objects, explore their natural and social milieu, and to grow up healthy.
Key Differentials
Curriculum for Excellence based on Holistic Well being Pedagogy blended with ICSE Pattern.
Education for Global Citizenship
Project Based Learning
Teaching to encourage students to learn by experiencing the real life scenarios
Brainstorming sessions in classrooms to get the creative juices flowing. Enquiry based learning
Student centric approach
Technology integration for blended learning
Interdisciplinary approach
Well Trained & Competent Teachers
Experiential Learning Module
Well Defined Learning Outcomes
Regular Parent Teacher Interactions And Professional Development Workshops
Group A (All Subjects Compulsory)
The aim of teaching English is :--
To develop and integrate the use of the four language skills i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing for the purpose of effective communication.
To develop a functional understanding of the grammar, structure and idiom of the language.
To develop the capacity to read efficiently and access information effectively.
To develop an appreciation of good literature.
To experience, through literature, the thoughts and feelings of the peoples of the world.
Awareness of applying the Language rules effectively.
Listen to a wide range of oral texts, for information, listen to and share ideas, viewpoints and reflect upon an understanding of concepts, listen critically for specific information, follow instructions and directions and make inferences and judgements.
The students will be able to communicate confidently and effectively in spoken language in a wide range of situations, speak confidently in public and participate appropriately and effectively with others in a conversation and exhibit skills of making oral presentations. The use of the appropriate tone, posture, gestures, pauses and maintains eye contact while speaking will be implied.
Reading a variety of print texts including drama, poetry, fiction and non-fiction, seek meaning in reading using a variety of strategies such as prior knowledge, inferring, predicting and confirming. More important points are to articulate their own interpretations with an awareness and curiosity for other perspectives, respond critically to the aesthetic, cultural and emotional values in texts, skim the reading text to identify main ideas by reading titles, introductions and topic sentences and scan texts for specific supporting details. Identify rhetorical devices, figures of speech and explain them and summarize main and supporting ideas in the form of notes/points and make connections
Accuracy of response, speaking and writing skills, increasing the length of an article and extempore topics.
Analysing the reader’s text and comprehending the message.
Decreased levels of support used by the learner and reduced reliance upon techniques such as wordlists or writing frames
The ability to mediate discussions without teacher intervention
Use of Literary devices in the writing, write different kinds of factual and imaginative texts for a wide range of purposes. To be able to write in the appropriate style and format and to locate, access, select, organize and integrate relevant data from various sources. Also, to develop coherent ideas and organize them into main and supporting ideas, use a variety of sentence types and sentences of different lengths and structures appropriately to present the written output coherently using a suitable introduction, logical progression and conclusion. Another important point is to prepare a final draft by proof-reading and editing, to present the final product in an appropriate style, free of grammatical and syntactical errors.
The aim of teaching Hindi Language as a subject is:-
To appreciates the language as an effective means of communication.
To acquire knowledge of the elements of the language.
To develop an interest in the language.
To understand the language when spoken at normal conversational speed.
To understand the basic structural patterns of the language, vocabulary and constructions.
Students understand the text, draw conclusions and make inferences;
Comprehend the central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details including how characters in a story or drama, respond to challenges or how the speaker in a Poem reflects upon a topic;
Understand and appreciate the narrative and poetic structures to comprehend and predict outcomes; identify the salient points in the text as distinct from personal opinions or judgments;
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, poems, travelogues, autobiographies, reports, speeches, articles, features, etc (graded reading).
Learning mathematics gives children and young people access to the wider curriculum and the opportunity to pursue further studies and interests.
The mathematics experiences and outcomes are structured within three main organisers, each of which contains a number of subdivisions:
Number, money and measure-
Estimation and rounding
Number and number processes
Multiples, factors and primes
Powers and roots
Fractions, decimal fractions and percentages
Mathematics – its impact on the world, past, present and future
Patterns and relationships
Expressions and equations.
Shape, position and movement
Properties of 2D shapes and 3D objects
Angle, symmetry and transformation.
Information handling
Data and analysis
Ideas of chance and uncertainty.
A key feature of the mathematics framework is the development of algebraic thinking from this stage. At all stages, an emphasis on collaborative learning will encourage children to reason logically and creatively through discussion of mathematical ideas and concepts.
The experiences and outcomes encourage learning and teaching approaches that challenge and stimulate children and young people and promote their enjoyment of mathematics. To achieve this, teachers use a skilful mix of approaches, including:-
Planned active learning which provides opportunities to observe, explore, investigate, experiment, play, discuss and reflect
Modelling and scaffolding the development of mathematical thinking skills
Learning collaboratively and independently
Opportunities for discussion, communication and explanation of thinking
Developing mental agility
Using relevant contexts and experiences, familiar to young people
Making links across the curriculum to show how mathematical concepts are applied in a wide range of contexts, such as those provided by science and social studies
Using technology in appropriate and effective ways
Building on the principles of Assessment is for Learning, ensuring that young people understand the purpose and relevance of what they are learning
Developing problem-solving capabilities and critical thinking skills.
Mathematics is at its most powerful when the knowledge and understanding that have been developed are used to solve problems. Problem-solving will be at the heart of all our learning and teaching. We should regularly encourage children and young people to explore different options: ‘what would happen if...?’ is the fundamental question for teachers and learners to ask as mathematical thinking develops.
Science is an important part of our heritage and we use its applications every day in our lives at work, at leisure and in the home. Science and the application of science are central to our economic future and to our health and wellbeing as individuals and as a society. Education should add impetus to the long tradition of scientific discovery, of innovation in the application of scientific discovery, and of the application of science in the protection and enhancement of the natural and built environment.
In Middle School through learning in the sciences, children and young people develop their interest in, and understanding of, the living, material and physical world. They engage in a wide range of collaborative investigative tasks, which allows them to develop important skills to become creative, inventive and enterprising adults in a world where the skills and knowledge of the sciences are needed across all sectors of the economy.
In Middle School children and young people participating in the experiences and outcomes in the sciences will:
Develop a curiosity and understanding of their environment and their place in the living, material and physical world
Demonstrate a secure knowledge and understanding of the big ideas and concepts of the sciences
Develop skills for learning, life and work
Develop skills of scientific inquiry and investigation using practical techniques
Develop skills in the accurate use of scientific language, formulae and equations
Recognise the role of creativity and inventiveness in the development of the sciences
Apply safety measures and take necessary actions to control risk and hazards
Recognise the impact the sciences make on their lives, the lives of others, the environment and on society
Develop an understanding of the Earth’s resources and the need for responsible use of them
Express opinions and make decisions on social, moral, ethical, economic and environmental issues based upon sound understanding
Develop as scientifically literate citizens with a lifelong interest in the sciences
Establish the foundation for more advanced learning and, for some, future careers in the sciences and the technologies.
The Curriculum identifies key concepts by using five organisers:
Planet Earth
Forces, electricity and waves
Biological systems
Topical science.
Effective learning and teaching approaches extend experiential learning from the early years into primary , Middle school and beyond.
In the sciences, effective learning and teaching is practised by the skilful use of varied approaches, including:-
Active learning and planned, purposeful play
Development of problem-solving skills and analytical thinking skills
Development of scientific practical investigation and inquiry
Use of relevant contexts, familiar to young people’s experiences
Appropriate and effective use of technology, real materials and living things
Collaborative learning and independent thinking
Emphasis on children explaining their understanding of concepts, informed discussion and communication.
Through involvement in a wide range of open-ended experiences, challenges and investigations, including those related to the applications of science in areas such as engineering, medicine and forensics, children and young people develop skills of critical thinking and appreciate the key role of the scientific process both in generating new knowledge and in applying this to addressing the needs of society.
In Middle School the experiences and outcomes in science provide opportunities for children and young people to develop and practise a range of inquiry and investigative skills, scientific analytical thinking skills, and develop attitudes and attributes of a scientifically literate citizen; they also support the development of a range of skills for life and skills for work, including literacy, numeracy and skills in information and communications technology (ICT).
In Middle School children take part in a range of scientific investigations and inquiries which develop their understanding of the underlying scientific concepts appropriate for middle school level. They develop a growing awareness of themselves and the world around them through observation, collecting specimens and carrying out experiments. They develop their ability to formulate questions or predictions based on observations or information that can be answered through experimentation, inquiry and research. As they answer these questions, they show an increasing awareness of the factors that could be changed and can plan a ‘fair test’ that involves keeping all the factors the same except one.
While conducting experiments, children are able to safely use simple tools, equipment, apparatus and procedures. They make observations, collect information and make measurements accurately using relevant devices and standard units and ICT where appropriate. They can select, with assistance, appropriate methods to record their findings.
Learners at this level use simple charts and diagrams to present, analyse and interpret their findings, identifying simple relationships, making links to their original questions or predictions and drawing conclusions consistent with findings. They can present their findings in writing, orally or visually using a variety of media.
Group B - (Any 2 Subjects)
Mathematics helps:
To acquire knowledge and understanding of the terms, symbols, concepts, principles, processes proofs, etc. of mathematics.
To develop an understanding of mathematical concepts and their application to further studies in mathematics and science.
To develop skills to apply mathematical knowledge to solve real life problems.
To develop the necessary skills to work with modern technological devices such as calculators and computers in real life situations.
To develop drawing skills, skills of reading tables, charts and graphs.
Applies logical reasoning in classifying real numbers, proving their properties and using them in different situations.
Identifies/ classifies polynomials among algebraic expressions and factorises them by applying appropriate algebraic identities.
Finds solutions of pairs of linear equations in two variables using graphical and different algebraic methods.
Derives proofs of mathematical statements particularly related to geometrical concepts, like parallel lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, circles, etc., by applying axiomatic approach and solves problems using them.
Finds areas of all types of triangles by using appropriate formulae and apply them in real life situations.
Develops strategies to locate points in a Cartesian plane.
Identifies and classifies the daily life situations in which mean, median and mode can be used.
Derives formulae for surface areas and volumes of different solid objects like, cubes, cuboids, right circular cylinders/ cones, spheres and hemispheres and applies them to objects found in the surroundings.
Determines all trigonometric ratios with respect to a given acute angle (of a right triangle) and uses them in solving problems in dai
The aim of teaching Physics in Secondary school is :-
To acquire knowledge and understanding of the terms, facts, concepts, definitions, laws, principles and processes of Physics.
To develop skills in practical aspects of handling apparatus, recording observations and in drawing diagrams, graphs, etc.
To develop instrumental, communication, deductive and problem-solving skills.
To discover that there is a living and growing physics relevant to the modern age in which we live.
Demonstrate conceptual understanding of fundamental physics principles
Communicate physics reasoning in oral and in written form
Solve physics problems using qualitative and quantitative reasoning including sophisticated mathematical techniques
Conduct independent research or work successfully in a technical position.
The aim of teaching Chemistry in Secondary school is:-
To acquire the knowledge of terms, concepts, processes, techniques and principles related to the subject.
To develop the ability to apply the knowledge of contents and principles of chemistry in unfamiliar situations.
To acquire skills in proper handling of apparatus and chemicals.
To develop scientific temper, attitude and problem-solving skills.
To recognize Chemical Science as having an important impact on the environment relating to cycles in nature; natural resources, pollution.
To be able to design and carry out scientific experiments as well as accurately record and analyse the results of such experiments.
Will be skilled in problem solving, critical thinking and analytical reasoning as applied to scientific problems.
Will be able to clearly communicate the results of scientific work in oral, written and electronic formats to both scientists and the public at large.
Will be able to explore new areas of research in both chemistry and allied fields of science and technology.
Will appreciate the central role of chemistry in our society and use this as a basis for ethical behaviour in issues facing chemists including an understanding of safe handling of chemicals, environmental issues and key issues facing our society in energy, health and medicine.
Will be able to explain why chemistry is an integral activity for addressing social, economic, and environmental problems.
Will be able to function as a member of an interdisciplinary problem-solving team.
The aim of teaching Biology in Secondary school is:
To acquire the knowledge of the economic importance of plants and animals.
To develop an understanding of the inter-relationship between sustainability and environmental adaptations.
To develop an understanding of the interdependence of plants and animals so as to enable pupils to acquire a clearer comprehension of the significance of life and its importance in human welfare.
To understand the capacities and limitations of all the biological and economic activities so as to be able to use them for a better quality of life. To acquire the ability to observe, experiment, hypothesize, infer, handle equipment accurately and make correct recording.
A basic understanding of the cell theory, structure of plant and animal cell with functions of various cell organelles.
A brief understanding of plant and animal tissues, their location, basic structure and function with examples.
Basic structure of a bisexual flower, functions of various parts. Have basic knowledge for pollination and fertilization process with their different types, advantages and disadvantages.
Concepts will be cleared for Seeds definition - Structure and Germination process, Types of germination, Dicot Seed Structure (Bean Seed), Monocot Seed Structure (Maize Grain), respiration in plants, Types of Respiration: Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration.
Students will be able to explain classification of plants and animal with their subgroups and examples. They can explain main characteristics of each Kingdom with suitable examples.
They can explain useful role of bacteria, harmful role of bacteria, economic importance of fungi.
Classes of food, balanced diet. Malnutrition and deficiency diseases. Digestive system as whole, different organs and their functions. Different enzymes present in digestive system.
Functions of human skeleton, axial and appendicular skeleton, types of joints with reference to their location.
They can briefly explain about structure and functions of skin and their derivatives.
Respiratory system and organs of it. Mechanism of breathing, tissue respiration.
They can explain about health and hygiene, different health organisation, diseases – cause and control, waste generation and management.
Economics is new subject introduced in Secondary school the aim of the same is :
To acquire the knowledge of terms, facts, concepts, trends, principles, assumptions, etc. in Economics.
To develop familiarity with the basic terminology and elementary ideas of Economics.
To acquire knowledge of contemporary economic problems and to appreciate the efforts being made to solve these problems.
To develop an understanding of the Nation’s physical and human resources and how to avoid their misuse.
To understand the various economic processes that help in improving our standard of living.
Enables to broaden their knowledge about various economic theories, important principles, laws and generalizations.
Enables to identify and explain economic concepts and theories related to the behaviour of economic markets, industry and firm, structures, social norms and economic policies.
Enables to identify the relationship between price and value, wealth and welfare, income and savings, also to make our difference between final goods and intermediate e goods and capital and money.
Enables to identify different economic systems
Identifies how inflation plays a role in GDP
Understand how society chooses to use its limited resources ,which have alternative uses ,to produce goods and services and distribute them among different groups .
Recognises how primary activities (agriculture )is known a s the backbone of the economy.
Students will be able to define small scale and cottage industries.
Students will be able to discuss poverty and population at risk poverty.
To understand the various economic processes that help in improving our stand of living.
To develop an understanding of the Nation’s physical and human resources and how to avoid their misuse.
Commercial Studies is new subject introduced in Secondary school the aim of the same is :-
To enable students to develop a perceptive, sensitive and critical response to the role of business in a global, national and local context.
To allow students to balance the demands of social parameters with individual aspirations. 3. To develop in students an appreciation for the roles of the entrepreneur and the professional manager.
To help develop a co-operative attitude through study of the organisation and participation associated with commerce and industry.
To provide an appropriate body of knowledge and understanding, and to develop appropriate skills as a basis for further study or work or both.
Enable higher order thinking skills as Commerce is very much related with the day to day life and the real world.
Problem solving, decision making, financial IQ, entrepreneurship skills are integral part of the techniques of teaching Commerce.
Studying Business allows a student to observe and analyze the behavior and tactics of different firms.
Maintain the financial statements of a business entity.
Rectify errors in accounts.
Understand how households (demand) and businesses (supply) interact in various market
Structures to determine price and quantity of a good produced.
Understand the links between household behaviour and the economic models of demand.
Represent demand, in graphical form, including the downward slope of the demand curve
and what shifts the demand curve.
Understand the links between production costs and the economic models of supply.
Apply the concept of opportunity cost
Analyze operations of markets under varying competitive conditions
Group C - (Any 1 Subject)
Computer Application
Empower students by enabling them to build their own applications.
To introduce students to some effective tools to enable them to enhance their knowledge, broaden horizons, foster creativity, improve the quality of work and increase efficiency.
To develop logical and analytical thinking so that they can easily solve interactive programs.
To help students learn fundamental concepts of computing using object oriented approach in one computer language.
To provide students with a clear idea of ethical issues involved in the field of computing.
Learn why Java is useful for design of desktop and web application.
Define object and class
Know the features of Object Oriented Programming
Understand the concept of IDE
Create a Java program
Use different control structure
Develop logical thinking Demonstrate a basic understanding of computer hardware and software.
Demonstrate problem-solving skills.
Apply logical skills to programming in a variety of languages.
Utilize web technologies.
Present conclusions effectively, orally, and in writing.
Demonstrate basic understanding of network principles.
Working effectively in teams.
Apply the skills that are the focus of this program to business scenarios.
Physical Education
Creates an awareness of the necessity for vigour and efficiency through physical fitness.
To develop knowledge and understanding of the requirements for healthy living, nutrition, exercise and relaxation.
To create awareness of the necessity to develop good posture and physical poise.
To develop knowledge and understanding of skills relating to leisure time activities and of a recreational nature.
To create opportunities to develop 'esprit de corps', courtesy, sportsmanship, social skills, democratic conduct and ideals.
To develop appreciation of the aesthetic and cultural aspects of movement.
Students will develop competency in many movement activities.
Students will understand how and why they move in a variety of situations and use this information to enhance their own skills.
Students will achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Students will exhibit a physically active lifestyle and will understand that physical activity provides opportunities for enjoyment, challenge and self-expression.
Students will demonstrate responsible personal behavior while participating in movement activities.
Students will demonstrate responsible social behavior while participating in movement activities. Students will understand the importance of respect for others.
Students will understand the relationship between history, culture and games.
SUPW - Socially Useful Practical Work
21st Century Life Skill :- Knowledge based education influences the brain and value based education influences the heart. The life skill programme is interwoven into the curriculum. It helps children inherit universal values like fearlessness, purity of mind, patriotism and truth. Discussions on life management skills, improving the power of concentration and self-confidence are held during these activities. EIS provide different platforms to the students to enhance their Life skills, like:-
Extempore, Debates, Discussions etc. Declamation /Extempore enable the students to think out of the box. It is a platform to develop communication skills, time management and confidence. The students have to analysis and address the topic/issues on the spot without prior planning and preparation. Debate participation promotes problem solving skills and innovative thinking .It helps students to build link between words and ideas that make concepts more meaningful. Debates at EIS are a part of both Co-Curricular and Curricular activities.
Discussion methods are an open-ended collaborative exchange of ideas among teacher and students or only among students. It helps in better thinking, learning, problem solving, and understanding of the topic.
TED-Ed, TED's education initiative, inspires tomorrow's TED speakers and future leaders by supporting students in discovering, developing and sharing their big ideas in the form of short, TED-style talks. In the TED-Ed Student Talk program, students work together to discuss and celebrate creative ideas.
Project-Based Learning (PBL) is an innovative, systematic teaching method that promotes student engagement through deep investigations of complex questions. To put simply: It’s learning by doing.
At its best, the PBL focuses on imparting specific knowledge and skills while inspiring students to question actively, think critically, and draw connections between their studies and the real world.Education for Global Citizenship:- "Excellence in Education" Educon International School has always strived for its mission statement. In fast changing interdependent world, we believe that education for global citizenship is essential in the lives of children and young people are increasingly shaped by what happens in other parts of the world. Education for Global Citizenship gives them the knowledge, understanding, skills & values that they are to participate fully in ensuring their own, and others well-being and to make a positive contribution both locally and globally.
Education for global citizenship is good education because it involves children & young people fully in their own learning through the use of wide range of active and participatory learning methods. These engage the learner while developing confidence, self-esteem & skills of critical thinking, communication, co-operation & conflict resolution.
EIS Students are learning about Global Citizenship by participating in different activities:
International Dimension to Curriculum Award( British Council) It help young people be ready for the world, strengthening their idea of their place in the world as well as global citizenship education in school.
International Days /Events/Festival Celebration: - It changes the perspective of students about the world around. It helps the students to know more about Sustainable Development Goals and motivate them to achieve it .
The United Nations Model UN Programme aims to build and maintain strong links between the UN and Model UN participants across the globe. It does that through guides and workshops, which teach students how to make their simulations more accurate; by visiting Model UN conferences and sharing first-end knowledge of what the actual UN is like; and through encouraging Model UN clubs to take real action to support UN values and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Art Link is an innovative international exchange program which is designed for 3rd Grade classes onward. Students create art pieces that reflect their life and culture, and exchange their work with a partner class in another country. Students then examine and enjoy the art from overseas, gaining new insights into both their own and their partner’s cultures. Finally, students share their insights with one another by posting online thoughtful written responses and photos.
Global school Partnership program exposes students to both schools Language, culture and traditions of both our nations and would promote development of personal ties between teachers and students of both the schools .It makes students aware of Global issues and will equip them with skills and knowledge to be an active Global Citizen.