News & Events

International Activity - Preschoolers


Although the Education for Global citizenship is absorbed in each and every subject in EIS, the teachers still use it as a separate segment by asking the students very simple questions during the regular teachings as well as by conducting the chart making competitions, making presentations, videos, Art and Craft, simple cuisine preparation and by using props.

These questions are thought provoking and age appropriate like;

i) How do you as an individual see the world?, ii) How are we interdependent on each other in this whole world with respect to culture, food, religion, politics and many more.

A wide array of international activities are conducted during whole academic year and all of them are regularly monitored as well as improved yearly by the continual improvement team.

Here's few International Activities done by Preschoolers of EIS

Nursery - Food of India and Japan
Jr.KG - Festivals of India and China
Sr.KG - Seasons of India and Australia

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